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How do you create a strong brand that attracts job applicants?

Autoglass repair, Autoglass replace. Can you hear the jingle? The Belgian branch of the windshield expert, Carglass, has an incredibly strong brand. For clients, anyway. Job applicants had some trouble finding Carglass as an employer. That’s why the company knocked on our door to create an employer brand it could use to take over the job market.

  • Employer Branding Workshop 

  • Creating a Employer Value Proposition 

  • Tailored Employer Branding strategy 

An iconic story for an iconic brand

People cannot seem to get the iconic Carglass jingle out of their heads. Nor the brand. When your windshield cracks, you know where to go. But what if you’re looking for an employer where you can truly shine?

To attract more – and better-suited – candidates, Carglass needed Employer Branding that would be able to match its strong brand. But stories like that don’t just fall into your lap. Through an in-depth discovery process, we were able to create a brand concept that will help Carglass tell its story. A brand concept that will pop up in every campaign, every message.

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Attract more (well-suited) job applicants


Employer branding that works – for potential and current employees.

About Carglass

Carglass is known best as a windshield repair and replacement shop. For years now, they have kept to the highest quality standards and do whatever it takes to see a smile on customers’ faces.

Searching for a story

One of Belgium’s best employers. The place to be when it comes to customer service. Carglass had quite a few selling points already. However, it still lacked one essential asset.

Carglass didn’t have a bigger picture yet. No common thread to convince potential talent. No collective mission employees could rally behind. A story the windshield specialist needed.

That’s why Carglass asked us to shape that story and create an employer brand. One we could use in the next stages: recruitment campaigns, content marketing, social advertising, video, etc.

Bob De Kinder

Free advice from our specialists?

Bob De Kinder - Head of Platform Strategy
Carglass t-shirt

A deep dive into the Carglass brand

Getting a feel for the bigger picture is only possible if you examine every inch of it separately. 

That’s why we started this project with a strategic workshop. The agenda? A deep dive into: 

  • Carglass’ values 

  • Carglass’ departments 

  • Carglass’ assets as an employer 

  • Carglass’ target audience’s wish list (what are applicants looking for in an employer?). 

The workshop enabled us to get a clear image of:  

  • who Carglass is as an employer 

  • what Carglass stands for as a company 

  • what it is that connects current employees to Carglass 

  • how applicants perceive the brand. 

All these insights turned into an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and a general concept to base the employer branding on.

carglass billboard

Cracking… a smile 

Carglass works hard to put smiles on customers’ faces. That’s what drives them. And what should drive (future) employees. It’s what we based our strategy on. 

‘The Smile, the drive’. 100% jingleproof. ‘Driven by your smile’. The signature that connects the smile and the drive, which will be part of every future campaign. 

Those are a few of the expressions that came out of the general concept we created for Carglass’ employer branding. This concept and the visuals that come with it, give Carglass and us a foundation to grow. A foundation that: 

  • allows Carglass to tell a story as an employer 

  • helps Carglass emulate one consistent message 

  • clearly communicates what Carglass is looking for in future colleagues: motivation, openness, friendliness, engagement. The smile, the drive. 

  • connects everything, from large billboard campaigns to giving a new employee their uniform. 

Now, Carglass will not only repair and replace. It’ll also recruit – better than ever. 

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