Here, it’s all about the perfect blend 

Working together while crossing borders: that's what iO is all about. We look beyond our areas of expertise, our workplaces, and our own knowledge. Thanks to an open mind, a keen eye for talent, and a broad pool of digital experts, we’re able to match the right people to each project every time.

Is the blend just right? Then the results exceed all expectations. And of course, you play an important role in that as well. Our key to success? Always keep the conversation going. This way, you can enjoy your work and do your part to resolve the (social) issues of our clients.

Woman sitting on an ergnomic ball

Our core values

  • Kernwaarde
    Performing together

    We work as one team. 

  • Kernwaarde
    Growing together

    We support talent development. 

  • Kernwaarde
    Exploring together

    We stimulate an open mind. 

  • Kernwaarde
    Evolving together

    We embrace change. 

Together we create strong work, impact and fun

We aim to create effective and sustainable experiences in our blended teams by collaborating, growing, being curious and looking ahead. These four core values describe what we stand for, what connects us, and how we interact.

iO header campussen

Performing together

We work as one team.

The strength of a team is more than the sum of its parts. At iO, we owe that strength to our blended approach. Thanks to a diversity of interests, nationalities, expertise, perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds, the best ideas emerge. We encourage you to be completely yourself, as your individuality makes our blended teams so strong.

Life at iO Campus

Growing together

We support talent development. 

The strength of a team is more than the sum of its parts. At iO, we owe that strength to our blended approach. Thanks to a diversity of interests, nationalities, expertise, perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds, the best ideas emerge. We encourage you to be completely yourself, as your individuality makes our blended teams so strong.

Colleague smiling at iO office

Exploring together 

We stimulate an open mind.

Whether you want to delve into the latest insights in your field or broaden your horizons, we embrace an open mind. At iO, you'll find not only the facilities to grow but also a culture of open-mindedness. People who are motivated to learn from each other, spot opportunities, and actively share their knowledge with colleagues and clients. 


Evolving together 

We embrace change.

We don't need to explain to you how quickly our field is changing. This change is an intrinsic part of our everyday job. We not only anticipate it, we also embrace it. Because change brings opportunities. That's why our organisation is always in motion. We look ahead and are constantly seeking ways to improve. 

Are we a match?