Corporate Alt Delete – Rewrite your organisation’s founding story

Author: Uilke Duinstra - Director Strategy, iO


Corporate Alt Delete is a book that bridges the gap between two worlds within an organisation: Team Horizon, thinking in opportunities, and Team Business, focused on current results and business value. This book invites you to breathe new life into the old founding story of the organisation, enriching it with today's market knowledge and business capabilities.

Why read Corporate Alt Delete?

  • To discover the gap between Team Business and Team Horizon.

  • To learn about the four challenges leading to eight diverse perspectives.

  • To get tools to rewrite the founding story from one shared perspective.

  • To better harness the innovation potential of your organisation.

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Uilke Duinstra

Revive the essence of the founding story

Corporate Alt Delete is the book to reassess your current organisation and rewrite the collective founding story. By connecting past and present, you can give a powerful boost to the innovation potential and mindset of your organisation.

Are you ready to give your organisation a fresh start? Let’s begin at the beginning together and create ‘the story of better’.


Rewrite your organisation’s founding story in four steps


Want to apply the principles from Corporate Alt Delete directly into practice? Take the Corporate Alt Delete workshop! During this workshop, you’ll critically examine your organisation, discover its strengths, rewrite your founding story, and formulate concrete steps to bring this new story to life.

In this workshop, you will work on:

  • Redifining customer value.

  • (Re)discovering the key to your success.

  • Identifying your (potential) areas of expertise and translating them into strong propositions.

Innovation brands that have already been inspired:

ALD automotive
Discuss your innovation challenges? Speak directly with our experts

How do you respond to developments and trends in the market? How do you identify which themes will affect your organisation in the coming years? How do these themes change the role of your organisation?

Together, we develop an innovation strategy to create more and more relevant value - online, offline, and everywhere in between.

Corporate Alt Delete_Uilke_Duinstra
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