ABN Amro

How we helped ABN AMRO MeesPierson make ‘inheritances’ a topic of discussion

Having access to equity is a tough topic of conversation for many families — let alone talking about someone’s estate. How can you get your partner and children involved? How can you deal with the societal pressure around wealth inequality? Erfgenamen, the cross-medial campaign from ABN AMRO MeesPierson, puts these sensitive, often undiscussed topics on the agenda and positions the bank as the perfect organization to help with this.

  • All-round content marketing campaign  

  • Exceeded all objectives 

  • Most successful campaign ever for the bank

  • Documentary broadcast on RTL Z and Videoland  

  • Card game as conversation starter 

Cross-media content campaign

As a private bank, ABN AMRO MeesPierson targets high-net-worth Dutch individuals. This target audience has other financial questions than the average consumer.

Research from the bank showed that the target audience is very interested in topics like inheritance, drawing up a will, philanthropy, and business transfer within the family (after death).

While the topic of inheritance contains plenty of content, it’s often focused on the financial and fiscal side of things. Only little attention is given to the ‘soft’, human side. To the conversations you want to have in life. To the impact of inheritance on the recipients, often the children. Or to the societal impact you want to have.

ABN AMRO MeesPierson wants to show that having tough, sometimes emotional conversations can be enlightening for all parties involved. Not selling products or services, but showing that the bank understands the target audience and can truly help them.

Want to meet your targets with content? Contact us!

Position ABN AMRO MeesPierson as the expert in asset transfer and eventually attract new customers.


A content strategy that brings up the matter of inheritance, with stories that high-net-worth individuals can recognise themselves in.

About ABN Amro MeesPierson

As a bank, ABN AMRO MeesPierson targets high-net-worth Dutch individuals. It’s the largest private bank in the Netherlands, with a rich history of over 300 years.

Having a discussion in a meeting

Content-driven digital campaign

We developed a content-driven digital campaign that allowed the bank to facilitate conversations with the target audience around sensitive financial topics.

The content platform financialfocus.nl — which was already available — would serve as the focal point of the campaign, where the content would land and conversions would occur.

TV documentary


For this campaign, we adopted a hero-hub-hero approach. Front and centre in this campaign is a piece of long documentary video content. The documentary was broadcast on RTL Z (a commercial 24-hour broadcaster in the Netherlands) and can now be viewed on Videoland (RTL’s video-on-demand service).

In the documentary, we find out what goes into settling an estate. Additionally, heirs from OGER, Burgers’ Zoo, and Gassan Diamonds tell their stories around inheritance.

The 45-minute video gave us the space to explore several topics from different angles and allowed for personal stories from the heirs, as well as in-depth expertise.


Digital platform with always-on content

The core of campaigns is often interchangeable. They’re rolled out with a commercial as a key component, promoting products or services, often on a temporary campaign website. 

This campaign is different. We didn’t build a temporary campaign page, but a digital platform that houses campaign content and always-on content. The campaign contained high-end inspirational content, in-depth stories, and practical calculation examples. It was a complementary collaboration between the bank, supplying the expertise content, and iO, taking care of the inspirational content. 

This way, we can offer the target audience relevant content in every phase of the customer journey — to be continually found on the content platform financialfocus.nl. 

  • Additional visitors on financialfocus.nl > 32% above target 

  • Whitepaper downloads > 182% above target 

  • Magazine requests > 39% above target

Image of the cardgame

Card game

Earlier campaigns taught us that we also needed high-quality content at the bottom of the funnel — the other hero layer. After all, that’s where the conversion would take place. 

This time, we chose to create a card game: a physical deck of cards containing dozens of conversation starters. Each card could lead to conversations around the kitchen table about topics that are often avoided at all costs. 

  • Card game requests > 52% above target 

Our collaboration in numbers


New customers (above target)


Additional visitors to financialfocus.nl (above target)


Ad impressions (above target)

Valuable and high-impact

All objectives for this campaign were amply reached. On some targets, the online benchmarks were even beat by over 100%.

With this campaign, we helped to profile the bank once again as the Netherlands’ private bank par excellence and we contributed to a large influx of new leads (90% above target).

In terms of number of leads, this was the bank’s most successful campaign ever.

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