Hello, is it us you’re looking for? Adieu Prophets, bonjour iO!


Just like any prophecy, ours was due for a new chapter. As of now, Prophets has fused with agency powerhouse iO to deliver things bigger, better and truly cross-discipline. In short: we get to show our skills as part of a big team with expertise in strategy, marketing, creation and technology. How about joining us on this journey?

How can we help?
Contact us:
+32 3361 4000

Our services and solutions

Being part of iO, we have infinite opportunities on offer. Rest assured you’ll find our Prophets offering at the core of it all.

So, who would you like to meet?

Whatever question you may have, someone at iO has the answer. That’s what you get when you join forces. Curious as to know how our offering is taking a turn for the better? Feel free to contact us.

Explore new horizons

Why say goodbye to Prophets and hi to iO?

Sometimes, you get a chance at growth worth seizing. By becoming iO, we increase our network’s power and add a multitude of expertise and knowledge to our own. All we gain, you gain. More (agency) bang for your buck and brought you by the familiar faces you’ve known and loved since the days of Prophets.

We both deserve the best, right?

What about me and mine?

Are you ready for a significant upgrade?

We encourage colleagues and clients alike to think big. Now we honour our own creed in that regard by taking a big leap forward. iO is our next level. One full of new disciplines, colleagues and skills. All of these we get to put to work on your behalf.

This grand ambition sits well with the term full service. Translation: we will soon be able to answer all questions pertaining to technology, marketing, content creation and strategy. That's our - and your - advantage of this upgrade.

At the same time, no major changes are happening from your perspective. We still call Antwerp and Brussels home, working from iO’s shiny campuses located in these cities. A good reason to stop by and have a coffee soon?

"This thoughtful move presents our team – our clients especially – with more opportunities. This way, they are given access to an even bigger playground of marketing and technology."

Tom Willenkens

Tom Willemkens, Prophets founding partner

Will you be joining us for this exciting, new chapter?

or grab a coffee on campus

  • A new office (or campus, to put it in iO terminology from now on) deserves a tour. So drop by for a chat and meet your 'new' partner; iO

  • Pssst, no worries. We still look exactly the same - apart from a new logo that is

prophets | iO

Familiar faces here to stay

Bjorn Joos
Founding Partner

Tom Willemkens
Founding Partner

Sam De Win
Creative Director