Coven of Wisdom: Hyvä meetup at iO Campus Eindhoven

May 11, 2023 at 14:00 - 18:00

Hyvä has quickly made itself an indispensable tool in the Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source ecosystem. This modern way of building frontends has stolen the hearts of our customers and our developers with its stunning performance, usability, and great developer experience. Register for our meetup in collaboration with Hyvä — on 11 May at iO Campus Eindhoven — and find out how Hyvä can contribute to the success of your e-commerce project!

By Coven of Wisdom

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Why Hyvä makes e-commerce clients and developers happy

Our experts will take you on their journey through the landscape of Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source. In it, they talk about:

  • Why a standard theme, Luma, did not meet today's standards of performance and developer productivity;

  • How we discovered Hyvä;

  • Why we are happy to contribute to Hyvä.

Our partners at Hyvä share their latest solution to a major challenge for many developers of Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source projects: the checkout process. Personalising that process is an important part of e-commerce, but it often requires a lot of time and resources. E-commerce specialists often spend several days writing code to make those changes. And on top of that, the performance of that checkout is a crucial factor in having a successful webshop. A checkout that causes the least amount of frustration for visitors, may lead to shopping cart abandonment.

At this meetup, you'll discover how Hyvä improves developers' experience with modern tools like Tailwind CSS, Alpine JS, and Magewire PHP.


Register now using the form to secure one of the 100 spots. Registration is free and catering will be provided. After signing up, you will receive more information about the schedule and practical details of the afternoon via e-mail.

iO’s Coven of Wisdom: The Netherlands’ key technological community

The Coven of Wisdom encourages digital talents to look over the proverbial fence and share insights on other parts of the tech stack. Digital projects aren't merely one specialty. They're a collaborative effort between all types of technologies and experts. The meetups of the Coven of Wisdom offer an accessible and informal way of sharing knowledge with peers.

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