Qu’est-ce qui distingue une marque forte d’une bonne entreprise ? L’excellence de l’expérience.
Une marque forte est un atout pour votre entreprise
Dans un paysage concurrentiel, une marque forte vous offre un avantage significatif. Chaque interaction devient une expérience porteuse de sens, qui renvoie à l’essence de votre marque.
Chez iO, nous créons des marques, nous leur donnons forme et nous concevons tout un monde autour d’elles. Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec les entreprises pour façonner chaque aspect de leur business model, de leurs services et de leur architecture. Nous leur donnons en outre les moyens d’évoluer aussi rapidement que le paysage commercial digital qui les entoure.
Comment pouvons-nous vous aider ?
Nos expertises et compétences
Quel secret se cache derrière de bons choix ? Des données claires. Cela vous permet de mesurer les performances et de prendre des décisions objectives. Ainsi, vous définissez des KPI précis et des objectifs réalisables - et vous disposez d'arguments concrets pour ajuster votre stratégie.
Placez votre marque fermement sur le marché grâce à une stratégie de marque et de communication claire. C'est ainsi que vous réaliserez vos ambitions et que vous rendrez votre marque pertinente pour votre public cible.
Les organisations n'ont pas à se réinventer en permanence. Rationalisez vos processus d'entreprise en misant sur les outils et plateformes digitales adaptées.
La transformation digitale devrait être une priorité pour toute organisation cherchant à rester compétitive à l'ère numérique. Nous accompagnons les organisations de tous les secteurs dans leur transformation digitale. Nous sommes un véritable partenaire, à vos côtés pour toutes les étapes du processus.
Une stratégie go-to-market bien pensée n’est ni plus ni moins qu’un guide pour le lancement d’une nouvelle proposition, d’un nouveau service ou d’un nouveau produit. L’objectif principal est toujours d’atteindre les clients potentiels et d’obtenir des résultats concrets. Nos stratèges se feront un plaisir de vous aider.
Comment faites-vous face aux évolutions et aux tendances du marché ? Comment identifiez-vous les thèmes qui auront un impact sur votre organisation dans les années à venir ? Comment ces thèmes transforment-ils le rôle de votre organisation ?
Ensemble, nous élaborons un plan d'innovation afin de créer une valeur de plus en plus pertinente tant en ligne qu'hors ligne.
Nos experts créent des expériences utilisateurs qui répondent aux besoins de votre public. Ainsi, nous boostons ensemble votre taux de conversion afin que vous puissiez tirer le meilleur parti de votre budget marketing.
L'expérience utilisateur ne se limite pas aux aspects visuels de votre site web ou de votre application. Elle doit transparaitre dans tout ce que vous faites. Nos designers créent des solutions pratiques à des problèmes réels auxquels les gens sont confrontés tous les jours.
Une stratégie UX est un plan détaillé pour aligner votre identité de marque et l'expérience utilisateur souhaitée pour votre client sur chaque point de contact, online et offline. Cette stratégie est d'autant plus efficace si elle est définie avant de commencer le design.
Nous façonnons chaque aspect de votre organisation et donnons vie à votre marque pour vos clients, vos employés et vos partenaires.
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Des campagnes créatives qui renforcent l’image de marque et réchauffent les cœurs
Le propane en tant que source d'énergie avait besoin d'être reconnu, plus particulièrement par tous ceux qui vivaient hors réseau. Nous avons géré cela pour le spécialiste du gaz Primagaz, avec des campagnes créatives à 360° - à la fois en ligne et hors ligne. Découvrez l'article !Découvrez ce case en détailNos expertises
Convaincre vos clients et employés grâce à votre proposition de valeur l iO
Découvrez comment les organisations avec une value proposition claire pour leurs employés et leurs clients (CVP & EVP) renforcent leur position. Nous sommes ravis de vous y aider.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
15 tips to make your marketing and digitisation budget for 2024 smarter
The 2023 summer holidays are behind us and it's time for organisations to set their budgets for 2024. And that is often a more difficult task than we would like to admit. We wouldn't be iO if we hadn't come up with anything to help you with that tedious task... Get 15 tips to make your marketing and digitisation budget for 2024 smarterOr jump into the minigame first and collect gold coins in our virtual office building.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
15 tips to make your marketing and digitisation budget for 2024 smarter
The 2023 summer holidays are behind us and it's time for organisations to set their budgets for 2024. And that is often a more difficult task than we would like to admit. We wouldn't be iO if we hadn't come up with anything to help you with that tedious task... Get 15 tips to make your marketing and digitisation budget for 2024 smarterLire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Successful marketing budgets and plans in 2024
Lire la suiteNos expertises
Le service design, pour des produits et services de qualité l iO
Nous vous aidons à développer, tester et améliorer vos services et produits grâce au service design, tout en améliorant l'expérience de vos utilisateurs.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Élaborez une stratégie marketing qui fonctionne
Atteignez vos objectifs avec une stratégie marketing solide et bien pensée. Nos experts sont là pour vous ouvrir la voie sur le succès de votre entreprise.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Plan de communication digitale et image de marque
Chez iO, nous vous aidons à définir le bon plan de communication digitale et à établir une image de marque forte afin toucher le bon public cible.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Un partenariat innovant sur le long terme : stratégie en matière de technologie
Renforcez vos ambitions technologiques grâce à une stratégie approfondie qui tient compte du budget et de l’évolutivité. Découvrez comment nous pouvons vous aider.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Créer de la valeur commerciale avec l'IA - workshops & trainings l iO
iO vous aide à passer à l'action avec l'intelligence artificielle. Découvrez nos ateliers et formations sur l'IA pour déceler le potentiel au sein de votre entreprise.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: Make your B2B customer acquisition strategy digital and authentic
Who says digital and authentic don’t mix? With SEO, content marketing, affiliate marketing and personalised email campaigns, organisations like ours are generating leads en masse. These tools are ours to use to convert, turn our users into brand ambassadors and design flawless customer experiences. We know what digital can do, can it do it authentically? Marketing expert Glenn Weuts will answer that question in his webinar (in English) on 20 April.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Whitepaper: How to unburden your business with ‘first time right’ marketing execution
Ideally, as a (Digital) Marketing Manager, you focus on developing and executing your strategy to achieve your organisation's goals. But what if your strategic focus is constantly disrupted by operational issues?Lire la suiteBlog
7 essential insights to help you determine your marketing budget for 2024
In the ever-changing world of marketing, it can be challenging for CMOs to determine the correct marketing budget. The economic landscape and technological advances in the marketing industry calls for a new approach to budgeting. In this article, Glenn Weuts - Head of Marketing Technology at iO, shares seven marketing budget insights, with recommendations for how to determine your budget for 2024.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Reach your users with better persona and journey research
iO helps you find the best channels to reach your customers and leads – with in-depth research on buyer personas and customer journeys.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Understand your audience with market and consumer research
If you know your consumer, you can answer to their needs better. iO helps you with in-depth insights from market and consumer research.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Comment nos stratèges vous aident à développer vos produits
Nos experts vous aident à lancer de nouveaux produits et services qui répondent aux besoins de votre public cible.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Organising and managing effective digital marketing projects | iO
We help you with optimal project management, coordination and execution of your entire digital marketing project. Discover how iO can help you.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Community management et marketing conversationnel
Renforcer sa relation client, booster son image de marque et sa visibilité en ligne grâce au community management et au marketing conversationnel.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Media buying: the key to successful advertising
Marketing is so much more than a slogan. Our experts allow your message to shine with strategic media buying.Lire la suiteNos expertises
L'IA rend votre organisation plus intelligente et plus efficace
L'IA n'est pas qu'une tendance sympa. Nos experts sont là pour vous montrer comment l'IA peut apporter de la valeur à votre organisation.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Accessibilité digitale : l'ouverture à tous les utilisateurs I iO
Améliorez l'accessibilité de votre site web grâce aux conseils des experts d'iO. Découvrez où en est votre organisation et contribuez dès aujourd'hui à bâtir un monde numérique plus inclusif.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Technology & security audit, for proper digital protection
How do you grant your organisation lasting protection? With a clear overview of the weaknesses, vulnerabilities and security risks in your digital ecosystem. Read how a technology & security audit can help your business case.Lire la suiteWebinar
Get more out of your marketing budget with Marketing Mix Modelling
We’ve all noticed that in the dynamic world of marketing data, traditional attribution models are less and less relevant. Changes in technology and legislation mean that we have to look for alternatives. Modelling of marketing data is playing an increasingly prominent role and is becoming more accessible to organisations. Marketing Mix Modelling offers you unique insights into channels that are increasingly difficult to predict in a cookieless world. Find out all about it in this webinar.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: elevate your brand: mastering the art of content strategy
How can you effectively utilize content to promote your brand? How can you ensure that your brand stands out with persuasive creations across the appropriate platforms? These questions will be answered in our complimentary webinar, where you'll gain insights on developing a content strategy that seamlessly aligns with your marketing channels and target audiences. Watch the recording below.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: discover how digitally mature your business really is (and what steps to take next)
As a CEO, managing director or marketing manager, you’re steering your ship towards the digital future. But here’s the challenge: how do you ensure you’re on the right course? Which aspects are thriving, and which ones need a boost? Register for our webinar and discover exactly how your company can move towards complete digital maturity.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
The ultimate end-of-year guide (with checklist)
With cyber week (starting Friday, Nov. 24) and the end-of-year period upon us, there are some great opportunities ahead to give sales another boost, whether you're in B2C or B2B. With this guide and checklist of no less than 54 pages (!), we help you fine-tune your marketing, communication and advertising strategy so that you catch the eye of your target audience. With this guide & checklist, compiled by our +2000 experts from different departments, you'll roll out the digital red carpet for your customers in the year-end period. Download it now.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
The significance of data in digital marketing
Data help the marketeer implement digital marketing techniques in customer communication. But how do you use that data, exactly? And how can you enjoy the full force of data? In this whitepaper, we will show you how to optimise your customer and prospect communication through segmentation and personalisation. Moreover, we’ll show you how AI supports these processes.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
No more marketingcookies: calculate the impact on your sales and visitors
Soon, third-party cookies will disappear. Use our calculator and get an estimate of the potential loss of sales and website visitors. You will also get tailored advice on the next steps to take to minimise that loss. Go directly to the calculator via the button below or scroll down for more background information.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
How to develop a first-party data strategy?
But how do you get started with a first-party data strategy? What do you pay attention to? Can you still rely on third-party data? And which stakeholders do you best involve in this 'new' phase? In this whitepaper, we help you out.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Digital tools: challenges and opportunities for insurers
Naturally, we consider digital to be the future. Do insurance buyers in Belgium and the Netherlands see it that way as well? Together with market research agency BUFFL we asked 1.500 insurance policyholders about their views on digitalisation in the world of insurance. The conclusion? A remarkable one, to say the least. Prepare to read all about in our exclusive 18-page industry paper, including interesting bits of context, nuance, and thorough explanations.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Digitalisation - the key to unlock B2B business growth
The digital revolution has profoundly changed the B2C market, and B2B soon followed. None of it happened overnight, by the way. In fact, the trend was initially slow to take off in the B2B sector. Today, digitalisation reached essential status in B2B for anyone wishing to stay ahead of the competition. Its secret? An omnichannel approach, the new standard for B2B sales.Today, B2B customers expect the same standards as B2C customers do in terms of access and service from self-service platforms and digital portals. They expect to find the right products, services or ecosystems across all stages of the customer journey. How do you manage B2C expectations in a B2B context?Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Get more insights into the effectiveness of media with Marketing Mix Modelling
Digital marketing offers enormous opportunities in the field of data-driven working. We often fail to take advantage of these opportunities. That's means you miss out on a lot of opportunities to maximise the impact of your budget.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Digitise your trade union services for your sector
Trade unions play a crucial role when new technologies and trends emerge. But how do you ensure that your trade union keeps up with the expectations of your demanding customers, members, and users.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Whitepaper: Creating exceptional customer journeys with a Digital Experience Platform
In markets that are saturated with options and with customers that are overloaded with choices, it's an exceptional customer experience set will set you apart. A Digital Experience Platform can help you accomplish this - and we'll tell you how.Lire la suiteBlog
The importance of e-commerce for B2B
As of 2022, 65% of B2B companies conduct their business exclusively online. In addition, last year—for the first time ever—organisations sold more online than through personal sales. It is therefore about time for your B2B company to move towards—and reap the benefits of—a digital story. Discover the difference e-commerce can make in a B2B context.Lire la suiteBlog
The most common pitfalls in digitisation and how to avoid them
In the beginning of this year, we launched the Opportunity report 2023. A collection of visions and insights from our experts to help you get the most out of the new year. On the 9th of March during the Opportunity online live event we brought these insights live to an interested audience to speak and discuss how to ‘Accelerate your business in 2023’. In this article, we’ll share the key takeaways of the presentation of Digital Strategist Tom van Mierlo with you.Lire la suiteBlog
Data & Intelligence: removing emotion from the boardroom
Data has been vital for some time now in demonstrating whether a marketing and sales strategy is a hit or a miss. However, the discussion is still dominated by gut feeling when analysing why strategies fail and what needs to be radically changed. By removing emotion from the boardroom, we raise marketing and sales efficiency. In the past, marketing strategies were based on what had already happened. Today, we have a high degree of predictability. Digital marketing has never been so close to certainty.Lire la suiteBlog
Opinion article: Will our marketing plans ever be free of the 'gamble'?
Summer is slowly changing into autumn, the annual cue for the opening of the "budget season." Time to fire up the roulette wheel; redistribute marketing investments on gut feel, driven by the resources provided by management. Or are you doing it differently this year?Lire la suiteBlog
'Get a taste of AI' #2: Generative AI in practice - How to create business value from day 1
When you understand AI’s full potential you can use it purposefully. But how do you translate the versatile possibilities of AI into the specific context of your everyday business operations?Lire la suiteBlog
‘Get a taste of AI’ #3: How vectors add flavour and value
Every new era requires new fuel, and the AI era is no exception. Simply collecting raw data is not enough to effectively utilise generative AI – you also need to process and interpret the data. The vector database bridges the gap between data and AI, enabling valuable output and optimal customer experiences. In this article in our ‘Get a taste of AI’ series, you will learn how vectors work and gain the tools to apply them in your daily practice. The term “vector” may not be familiar to the general public, but its impact certainly is. Vectors provide more accurate results and recommendations in search engines and recommendation engines, improving the user experience. They add context and relevance, making the difference between a positive and a negative experience. But how does this work exactly? And how can your organisation leverage vectors for AI?Lire la suiteBlog
The six digital and marketing trends for 2024
The rise of AI, shifts in the social media landscape, and the end of third-party data...2023 was, to say the least, a tumultuous year. But this year, marketers and their organizations are also facing significant challenges. Discover the six digital and marketing trends that will dominate 2024 and, most importantly, how you can successfully tackle them.Lire la suiteBlog
Hot in 2024: sustainable websites
“Refresh your website every five years.” Sound familiar? Well, listen carefully. Because in 2024, things have changed. The tech keeping your website up and running used to be out-of-date after five years. But now, it’s become more stable. So, don’t jump on the new website bandwagon just yet, and do your homework to see what you can repurpose first.Lire la suiteBlog
Why is always-on gaining ground over ad hoc campaigns?
In the marketing optimisation of larger iO clients - such as Brussels Airport and Lidl - we see a shift from ad hoc campaigns to always-on. There are a few logical explanations for this trend. And both the elimination of cookies and the focus on the customer experience (CX) have a lot to do with it.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Steven Van Belleghem (iO)
Steven Van Belleghem (partner iO) talks about the three main advantages he sees in technology and digital transformation: faster than real-time service, hyper-personalisation, and the ultimate convenience.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Dorien Gevers (Carglass)
The Carglass website is a crucial platform, but other channels — digital and non-digital — are also very important in the omnichannel approach. Giving a personalised experience to every customer, with content tailored to their stage in the customer journey. Dorien Gevers (Email marketer at Carglass) explains every stage.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Leslie Cottenje (CEO Hello Customer)
The decision to digitise has to start from the customer, not from an internal, business perspective. That's what Leslie Cottenje, CEO of Hello Customer thinks. Technology can help improve customer satisfaction, but the human factor has to be central. She tells you all about her vision in this video.Lire la suiteVideo
Steven Van Belleghem: The cost of poor 'Customer Experience' is frequently underestimated.
Companies are unaware of the enormous the cost of bad customer experiences. Out-of-pocket costs such as customer service are being pushed up, at a time when it’s becoming more difficult and expensive to find new customers.And this is happening while the brand credibility is declining and there is erosion in terms of new business development. In the video below, Steven Van Belleghem calls for more investment in customer focus, as a driver for a successful 2024.Lire la suiteCase
Comment inciter à s’engager dans la transition énergétique en tant que gestionnaire de réseau ?
Découvrez comment Enexis mène la transition énergétique avec iO, grâce à une campagne pluriannuelle intelligente. Apprenez comment la sensibilisation, le changement de comportement et la personnalisation hyperlocale conduisent à la rentabilité et la pertinence au bon moment.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Transforming the passenger experience through innovation & service design
Nouvelles technologies, internet des objets et preuves de concept. Découvrez comment iO introduit des innovations à l'aéroport.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How do you double your mobile conversion within 4 years?
What it takes to make booking as easy as possible for you? Discover the power of a strong management vision, a streamlined work process, and long-term, open, and transparent collaboration between Landal GreenParks and iO.Découvrez ce case en détailStack
Travaillez plus efficacement dans le cloud avec iO, Google Cloud Partner
iO est un partenaire Google Cloud qui aide les organisations à exploiter la puissance du cloud pour le stockage, analytics, le développement et bien d'autres.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Établissez une stratégie digitale propre à vos besoins
Nos experts aident votre organisation à choisir les bons outils et plateformes à l'aide d'une stratégie digitale bien pensée. Découvrez comment.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Besoin d'une stratégie e-commerce scalable et rentable ? l iO
Connaissez-vous les règles du commerce en ligne ? Optez pour un partenaire expérimenté pour évoluer dans le monde du commerce électronique, en B2B ou B2C.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Entretenez vos relations clients avec une stratégie CRM et de fidélisation solide l iO
Personnalisez vos relations grâce aux outils appropriés. iO vous aide à développer et optimiser votre stratégie CRM et de fidélisation.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Une stratégie média basée sur des données fiables l iO
Tirer le maximum de votre budget média ? C'est ce que nous faisons grâce à une stratégie basée sur des données chiffrées.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Branding & marketing strategy: tell your brand story convincingly
Take control of your brand story with a sophisticated brand and marketing strategy. Power to the people, right? Get to know iO's take on things.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Audit médias & performance : où en est votre marketing à ce jour ? l iO
Du contenu à la publicité en passant par les outils de tracking : avec un audit médias & performance, nos experts vous guident pour votre prochaine étape dans le monde digital.Lire la suiteNos expertises
CLM and loyalty to reward regular customers
CLM and loyalty is a win-win situation: customers benefit from their loyalty and you get data flows and a smoothly running business.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Créez des publicités en ligne & hors ligne
iO vous aide à penser mettre en place des campagnes digitales efficaces. Nos experts développe votre communication en ligne et hors ligne.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Stimulez votre groupe cible avec des activations en ligne et hors ligne l iO
Activez votre groupe cible grâce à des expériences dynamiques, en ligne et hors ligne. Chez iO, nous combinons marketing, technologie et stratégie pour créer des activations de marque ayant de l'impact.Lire la suitePresse
AI without measurable impact? Nothing more than an empty gimmick for your business
Lire la suitePresse
Two top experts of iO win the exclusive Sitecore MVP Award of 2024
Lire la suitePresse
iO welcomes Martine Lemans as Managing Director of Consultancy Division in the Netherlands
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Strategic boost for iO with two new senior hires
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VRT joins forces with iO’s digital experts
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How can you strengthen your position as a B2B brand
In the past, B2B was too often seen as B2C’s little brother, but nothing could be further from the truth. As is the case for every marketing field, B2B has gone through quite the evolution. But what does that evolution look like? And does that evolution require a different marketing strategy? In this webinar, we’ll show you what B2B looks like today and how you can distinguish your brand from the competition with your marketing strategy.Lire la suiteWebinar
How to tackle the top 10 challenges in sales and marketing
The digitalisation wave has helped many organisations with their online presence. But at the same time, this wave has also brought several crucial problems to the surface within sales and marketing. In this webinar(in Dutch), we look at the 10 most common sales and marketing challenges and give you concrete next steps to solve them.Lire la suiteWebinar
Modern sales and marketing with HubSpot
The way customers make purchasing decisions is changing fast. Too fast, for many organisations. It's becoming increasingly difficult for entrepreneurs to adapt to this evolution. In this webinar, Steven Van Duyse (Senior Business Strategist at iO) explains how you can transform into a truly sales-focused organisation. By streamlining your sales and marketing teams, you prepare everyone for a new way of selling — in terms of data capture, contacting, and influencing.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: Spotting opportunities in times of crisis
The dot-com bubble, the Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine: crises seem to be coming in quicker and quicker succession. But for marketers, those crises — from local events in specific markets to global phenomena — also always contain an opportunity. In this webinar, Tim Karpisek, Business Strategist at iO, explains how you can find relevant growth opportunities in times of crisis.Lire la suiteWebinar
INBOUND 23 recap: a customer-centric approach in the age of AI
Curious about the latest developments in customer-oriented strategies, AI, digital transformation, leadership, and storytelling? Our iO colleagues Jolien Struyf and Evelyne Berden travelled to Boston to attend HubSpot's annual INBOUND conference and are sharing their highlights in a bite-sized webinar.Lire la suiteWebinar
Ad Tech: Take your media strategy to the next level
Now that cookies are disappearing, the biggest challenge for everyone in marketing today lies in measuring and analyzing marketing efforts. Companies currently find themselves facing a bit of a dilemma: on one hand, they want a transparent view of the results of their investments, on the other hand, they know that they need to rely more on data to make their advertising more relevant and efficient.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
3 steps to build a successful B2B inbound marketing strategy
Shouldn’t the client be at the heart of every marketing campaign? When it comes to good inbound marketing, the same is clearly true for B2B marketing. Inbound marketing is an effective way to gather everything you need to build a successful campaign: the right, qualitative leads - collected in a way that does not disturb the user experience, using data that’s willingly shared. It’s a fitting approach, not only for acquiring new customers, but for turning them into enthusiastic brand ambassadors in the process.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Sell & advertise on
Most of us have probably already ordered a product or two at But the platform also offers merchants interesting opportunities to sell and advertise products, in Belgium and the Netherlands. In this white paper we will tell you more about the possibilities of the platform.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Boost growth with digitalisation
Digital transformation may be a buzzword, but that’s because it’s happening right now. Digitalisation has gained momentum every part of society and it’s showing no sign of slowing down. Consumers have high expectations and now it’s for companies to anticipate their digital needs. iO has the expertise and experience your company needs for effective digital transformation. Digitalisation is a mindset that has an impact on the entire company, from business operations and internal processes to marketing and communication. Customer focused and with a clear vision. Do you want to know more about the benefits of digitalisation, and how to embed it into the DNA of your company? Our experts have bundled their insights and experiences into an inspiring ebook that will help you prepare your brand for tomorrow.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
E-detailing in the life sciences
In this crowded and competitive environment amidst reduced budgets, pharmaceutical and life sciences companies must resort to new strategies to significantly improve the efficiency of their direct-to-physician marketing initiatives. As such, e-detailing came fully into effect.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Video content in your marketing mix: the definitive guide
Spoiler alert: video is at home in your marketing mix,ideally with its own unique approach – video marketing. Video stands out, you can do a lot with it and the information it carries sticks better. It doesn’t just grab your target group’s attention, it also has an inherent credibility. For these reasons and more, video offers endless possibilities and should be more than 'just' an element in your content marketing strategy.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
A user-friendly self-service portal in 5 steps
Does your organisation spend a lot of time providing customers with support and service? Think about scheduling appointments, contract management, or changing customer data — exactly the kind of things you can digitalise in a self-service portal. Only, how do you go about it?Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Win the battle for the consumer with marketing automation
In 2023, consumers’ expectations are higher than ever. They reject generic messages and communication. More so; they want to be put on a digital pedestal. To be personally addressed and only shown content that is relevant to them. In other words, they want companies and brands to give them an experience. And that experience has become just as important as a product or service.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Composable Commerce: hype or here to stay?
The world of online commerce is becoming increasingly complex. Businesses need to be able to create appropriate and unique customer journeys across multiple channels. But this is proving to be quite a challenge for those still using traditional commerce platforms. Luckily, the world of online commerce is also constantly developing. When new and greater challenges arise, fresh solutions are created. Solutions like composable commerce.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Your channel mix only has value if you manage it effectively
To make your online business run smoothly, there are several aspects you can focus on. One of them is your channel mix. But how do you know if your mix is the right one? And do you stick to your initial choices or is it better to adjust your mix regularly? Channel management provides answers to these questions. Channel management involves monitoring and adjusting the entire channel mix of your business or client based on predetermined goals. You work on all aspects that ensure better results, at every stage of the funnel.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Sales, leads, goals: your guide to Performance Marketing
Performance marketing is a branch of marketing where you focus on results. Which results? How can you measure it and - more importantly - how do you achieve it? This is different for every organisation, but the potential of performance marketing to deliver results? That’s universal. The efficient combination of leads, sales and targets is crucial.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Everything you need to know about Large Language Models (like ChatGPT)
AI language models, better known as Large Language Models, such as ChatGPT are hot. For some, they are a fine piece of pastime, for others an important tool to achieve business goals – not in the least for SEO and SEA. As they gain plenty of popularity, the complexity of the picture is also becoming clear, just the capabilities of AI. It becomes important to fully understand their potential, and their limitations, before you start working with them.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
6 best practices for successful business innovation
How will your organisation challenge the status quo? What role do you hold in a market where the lines between different domains are becoming less distinct? How are you going to shape a future-proof business model that ensures that you are still relevant the day after tomorrow? The challenges of innovation aren't so much centered around refining your existing business model, but about responding smartly to a dynamic market where the rules are constantly changing. Therefore, innovation within your company remains essential: it enables you to tap into new markets, address new target groups and develop new propositions. Unfortunately, not every form of innovation actually leads to improvement. Our white paper shares 6 best practices for successful business innovation so that innovation does not remain a buzzword but delivers tangible results.Lire la suiteWhitepaper
Make ecommerce more personal and tangible using online configurators
Consumers are increasingly used to communication that is tailored to them. An ad for 30% discount on cat food after you searched for the best kibble is an example. But so is the online purchase process of those kibbles. After all, today we want an online purchase to feel just like its physical counterpart. Online configurators are a great way to replace the eager shop assistant.Lire la suiteBlog
What makes a successful self-service portal?
A self-service portal is a great way to offer your customers better service and set up your sales processes more efficiently. We explain what a self-service portal is and what you need to make it a success.Lire la suiteBlog
Everything on B2B self-service portals
An online environment to place orders, contact customer service and searching information is a given in B2C. Luckily, we also see an increasing number of B2B companies investing in these kinds of portals. We’ll explain what a B2B self-service portal is and what the benefits for both companies and customers are.Lire la suiteBlog
Investing in a self-service portal? There are 3 clear benefits for your business
Does your organisation spend a lot of time providing your customers with information and support about services? For example, scheduling delivery or maintenance appointments, contract management, changing customer data or taking orders? In most cases, these common interactions are all related to information that is connected to your services or products. And it is precisely these interactions that you can digitise effectively in a self-service portal.Lire la suiteBlog
Composable architecture provides business agility
Composable architectures are gaining traction and credibility as the most efficient way to respond to future user expectations. Unlike a suite approach, where a single vendor supplies all the software components you need, composable architectures focus on composing small, loosely coupled components and using existing best-of-breed technology that can be integrated to form innovative solutions and work together to supply the optimal customer experience across different channels.Lire la suiteBlog
How do you choose the best digital partner for your Umbraco Platform?
Choosing the right digital partner for your Umbraco platform is an important step in realising your online goals. Want to make an informed choice, but are uncertain about what you should prioritise? We are here to help you.Lire la suiteBlog
How can you maximise the impact of SEO in your marketing strategy in 2024?
As we navigate through 2024, the seismic shifts in search engine algorithms and user preferences demand that marketers adapt swiftly. The emergence of new search engines alongside Google's evolving algorithms highlights the urgent need for a robust, adaptable SEO strategy. In this rapidly changing digital landscape, integrating SEO holistically into your marketing efforts from the outset isn't just beneficial; it's imperative for staying competitive and visible.Lire la suiteBlog
Transforming technology into a catalyst for innovation
In the beginning of this year, we launched the Opportunity report 2023. A collection of visions and insights from our experts to help you get the most out of the new year. On the 9th of March during the Opportunity online live event we brought these insights live to an interested audience to speak and discuss how to ‘Accelerate your business in 2023’. In this article, we’ll share the key takeaways from Raymond’s session with you - just a few of the many ways modern technology plays the part of enabler for digital transformation.Lire la suiteBlog
How to measure the value of innovations faster and more clearly
Earlier this year, we launched the Opportunity Report: a collection of visions and insights from our experts to help you stay ahead in the new year. On 9 March, during our online event “Accelerating your business in 2023”, we brought these insights to life. One of the live sessions at this event was hosted by Uilke Duinstra (Service Line Director Strategy), who talked about ways to help businesses and organisations validate innovations faster and gain management’s support. In this article, we’ll share the key takeaways from Uilke’s session with you.Lire la suiteBlog
Forget Headless: Operational Excellence is Next-Gen E-Commerce
In uncertain times, most entrepreneurs choose to operate from a safe position and focus on easy wins and consolidation. But with this strategy you miss out on opportunities. What can we offer to withstand the unpredictable, changing consumer needs and economic and social turmoil? Our Software Architect Bavo Janss went back in time and made up the current state of affairs. He says that Operational Excellence is the answer to most of the big questions coming at us today. Read on to learn how composable commerce can help us prepare for the future.Lire la suiteBlog
What's in a name: how to choose an iconic brand name
A strong brand identity begins with a strong brand name. So determining your brand’s name has a major impact on your success as a company. How then do you come up with a name that conveys your brand values and feels like a household name to consumers? Discover how our research and creation can help you anchor your new name in your customers' hearts.Lire la suiteBlog
HubSpot announces new Sales Hub and CRM features at INBOUND 23
Elevate your sales journey and maximise data efficiency with HubSpot's Sales Hub 2.0 and Smart CRM.Lire la suiteBlog
Digital transformation: 5 statements that point to potential problems
Digital transformation touches every aspect of a business: people, processes, infrastructure, and customer relationships. Most problems that arise during a transformation process often have their origins in one or more of these aspects. How can you be alert to this?Lire la suiteBlog
9 ways for your brand to win at Christmas
If you listen closely, you can already hear them. Christmas bells. Seriously. Christmas is coming! By the way, Christmas has already started for me. When I’m lying in my hammock in the South of France, I’m already thinking about Christmas trees, snow and beautifully laid tables. And, of course, I’m thinking about how to win at Christmas, traditionally the busiest commercial period of the year. But how do you make sure that your brand wins at Christmas? And how do you make sure you stand out from all the other Christmas campaigns?Lire la suiteBlog
2023 Christmas commercials: mediocrity, craftsmanship, clichés and sometimes... brilliance
It’s that time again: It’s Christmas commercial season 2023. I’m ready for a wagonload of snow, candy, British stars, and tortured covers of familiar songs. And what did I get? Exactly that. I love it! A (completely objective) overview of the (mostly) British 2023 Christmas commercials. Brace yourself for Rick Astley, kisses, Ryan Reynolds, talking mittens, singing oven gloves, pink flamingos, John Travolta as Santa Claus and... a rediscovered hit from 1965. And... What did John Lewis do?Lire la suiteBlog
4 conseils pour élaborer un plan de mesure efficace
De plus en plus d'organisations souhaitent mesurer avec précision le retour sur investissement des plateformes digitales. Mais comment élaborer un plan de mesure efficace ?Lire la suiteDossier
24 insights for 2024
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Dossier: Maximize your marketing efforts with HubSpot
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Infinite opportunities: Thierry Geerts (Google Belgium)
"Digitisation in Belgium is progressing rapidly, but not as fast as it could or I hoped it would," says Thierry Geerts, CEO Google Belgium. He wrote a book, Digitalis, about his vision on digitisation. He talks about how we can — and should — pick up the pace of digitisation.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Peter Van Hoecke (Van Hoecke)
According to Peter Van Hoecke (CEO Van Hoecke), the client is always central, especially — in digital transformation. By automating, accelerating, and rationalising processes, you help your clients save time — our most finite and valuable resource.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Tim Colman (Proximus)
Creative concepts can elevate a campaign, says Tim Colman (Head of Digital Communication at Proximus). He talks about the importance of creativity at every stage of the customer journey.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Daan Simonis (Perfetti Van Melle)
Creativity isn't just useful for building a strong campaign — it's essential. Daan Simonis (Global Media & Digital Marketing Director at Perfetti Van Melle) explains why this is the case and how a creative idea has a strong impact, especially on paid media platforms.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Joaquin Zschuschen (KLM Health Services)
Digital transformation isn't just about technology — it’s also about people. Joaquin Zschuschen, Digital Manager at KLM Health Services, talks about customer satisfaction and personalisation.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Yannick de Bièvre (MediaMarkt)
MediaMarkt is an omnichannel retailer, and that is a very conscious choice. Digital and non-digital channels flow seamlessly into each other, according to Yannick de Bièvre (Head of Marketing BeLux).Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Steven De Deyne (Proximus)
"With digital transformation, you can deliver added value to your customers," says Steven De Deyne, Head of Media and Production Competence Center Proximus), it in this video.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Paul Smeets (Cadac)
You can't do partial digital transformation, says Paul Smeets (CTO Cadac). In this video, he tells you more about his vision on digitisation.Lire la suiteVideo
Digitising a business: the most common mistakes and how to avoid them
How is it that only 30% of the companies are successful in adopting digital transformation? In large part because it affects every aspect of a business: people, processes, infrastructure, and customers. We walk you through the most common mistakes we see in digital transformation projects so you don’t have to make them yourself. Expert:Tom van Mierlo, Digital StrategistLire la suiteCase
Utilisez HubSpot comme plateforme d'adhésion / d'apprentissage.
The Lifelong Learning Program by Kemin is an employee development initiative, designed to support colleagues and partners in their personal and professional growth.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How do you build a global B2B platform tailored to foodservice professionals?
How to build a multi-site, multi-language, global B2B platform for lead generation and online branding - iODécouvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment un audit terre-à-terre a-t-il ouvert la voie aux outils numériques idéaux
Comment un audit terre-à-terre a-t-il ouvert la voie aux outils numériques idéauxDécouvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment une marque flamande met-elle le pied sur le marché wallon ?
iO aide Torfs, le géant flamand de la chaussure, à mieux se positionner sur le marché wallon et en tant qu'acteur de la mode. Découvrez l’article sur cette collaboration.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment donner vie à des années de savoureuse créativité ?
With creative always-on and ad hoc campaigns, our experts help Manna Sauzen grow into a leading Belgian brand.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment rendre les emplois au port attractifs ?
Nous avons créé une toute nouvelle plateforme d'emploi pour le Port d'Anvers-Bruges avec une campagne créative et multimédia. Apprenez-en plus.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment nous avons créé et lancé une marque internationale
Lisez comment nous avons, avec le groupe Brunswick, créé une image de marque complète et une stratégie de mise sur le marché afin de lancer la nouvelle marque Navan.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Augmentation des taux de conversion et de la valeur des commandes grâce à un configurateur UX
iO a développé un site web et un configurateur orienté UX pour et avec Suzuki Belgique. Lisez tous les détails dans cet article.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Trouver, personnaliser et commander le cadeau d’affaires parfait en un minimum de clics
Find out how iO developed one powerful and scalable e-commerce platform for the web shops of all Favorite Gifts' brands. Read the case study.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment nous mixons technologie & marketing pour la pharmacie en ligne Farmaline
Comment iO maintient sa collaboration fructueuse avec Farmaline sur le long terme ? En associant un lien de confiance solide à une synergie efficace entre ses services technologie et marketing.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment faire en sorte que vos clients aient de nouveau l’eau à la bouche pour votre marque ?
Découvrez comment nous avons aidé la marque de fromage CAMBOZOLA à réactiver ses clients existants tout en attirant les jeunes générations. Lisez notre case.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment une nouvelle image de marque a-t-elle contribué à renforcer la position de l'entreprise sur le marché ?
Pour Prowise, spécialiste des écrans interactifs et des logiciels éducatifs, iO a conçu un nouveau site web WordPress complété par une nouvelle voix de marque et un nouveau texte.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Trouver le lieu idéal pour transformer un événement exceptionnel en un souvenir inoubliable
Découvrez comment iO a rendu les sites web et le portail de High Profile Locaties plus faciles à gérer, à trouver et plus évolutifs. Lisez ce case.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Impacting the traveller and environment through technology
Brussels Airport : zoom sur les différentes plateformes développées par iO pour une expérience passager ultime.Découvrez ce case en détail
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