Download the whitepaper
GA4 has a lot of capabilities. Our analytics specialists know that better than anyone. But what else are they certain of? That no single web tool rules its category unchallenged, not even tools from tech giant Google.
So, who else is operating in the field of web analytics? They may be relatively unknown but that doesn’t mean that these lesser-known web analytics tools don’t have a whole lot of unique properties, features and benefits to offer your organisation. Who knows, one of them might be a perfect match? Read all about it, right here.
In this whitepaper:
Why go with an alternative to Google Analytics 4?
Piwik Pro
Piano Analytics
How well do you know today’s web analytics landscape?
As a modern organisation, you have plenty of reasons to consider an alternative to Google Analytics. Some alternative analytics platforms offer unique (advanced) features, for example. The level of support, usability and cost also vary considerably. Ultimately, it pays to compare the platforms and pick the one that best fits your organisation's digital business.
Articles sur le même sujet
- Matomo Analytics est une alternative à Google Analytics, en open source et sans cookies, avec une attention particulière pour la confidentialité des données. iO vous aide à l'implémenter.Lire la suite
Reprenez le contrôle de vos données avec Piwik PRO l iO
Le respect de la vie privée et la sécurité des données sont les principales priorités de Piwik PRO, l'alternative à Google Analytics conforme au RGPD.Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Google Analytics 4
Lire la suiteNos expertises
iO crée de l'impact et du sens pour les marques et les entreprises
Nous sommes au service des entreprises pour leurs marques, leurs plateformes digitales, leurs campagnes marketing, la création ou la production de contenu et bien plus encore.Lire la suitePage
Digital agency Intracto is becoming iO
Intracto is joining end-to-end agency iO, with in-depth expertise in marketing, technology, strategy, and content.Lire la suitePage
Foreach, je favoriete technische team, wordt iO
De Antwerpse softwareontwikkelaars van Foreach voegen zich bij full-service agency iO.Lire la suitePage
Verhoog je merkbekendheid met je eigen Instagram-stickers
Instagram-stories zijn immens populair, onder andere dankzij de grote hoeveelheid creatieve 'stickers' die gebruikers op hun stories kunnen plakken. Maar wist je dat je ook je eigen stickers kan ontwerpen en voor iedereen beschikbaar maken?Lire la suitePage
Google Consent Mode: Everything you need to know
Discover Google Consent Mode: the solution for advertisers to measure conversions while fully respecting users' privacy preferences. Learn more in our in-depth blog post.Lire la suitePage
MQL & SQL: wat is het, en hoe kan het mijn marketing versterken?
Welke leads zijn interessant om op te volgen, en welke kunnen doorgestuurd worden naar het salesteam? Ontdek hier het verschil tussen 'MQL' en 'SQL'.Lire la suitePage
10 handige tips voor lancering van je nieuwe website
Een nieuwe website opzetten vraagt aandacht en energie, maar onze 10 handige tips vormen een goede voorbereiding voor een hopelijk vlotte lancering.Lire la suitePage
8 lessen om succesvol een team te leiden
Leiding geven zonder de baas te spelen is niet altijd eenvoudig. Zeker niet als je plots teamlead wordt van je eigen collega's. Het overkwam Joeri twee jaar geleden. In die twee jaar leerde hij 8 lessen die van zijn aanpak een succes maakten.Lire la suitePage
Hoe pak je CSR succesvol aan?
Corporate social responsibility of CSR, het wordt de komende jaren alleen maar belangrijker. Want wereldwijd neemt de aandacht voor sociale onderwerpen toe. Het klimaat. Duurzaamheid. Gelijke behandeling van mensen. Je kunt er als bedrijf of merk niet omheen. Dat pikt je sociaal bewuste klant niet meer. Maar hoe pak je het op de juiste manier aan?Lire la suitePage
Zo plan je makkelijk en gratis Instagram-posts in
Sinds kort plan je zonder problemen je Instagram-posts organisch in met behulp van de Facebook Creator Studio. In deze blogpost leer je hoe dat werkt, zodat je je hele social-contentplan tot op de seconde kan voorbereiden en inplannen.Lire la suitePage
Marketing, sales en customer support perfect op elkaar afstemmen en in synergie met mekaar laten samenwerken een complexe uitdaging? Niet met de tools van HubSpot, dat op vlak van marketing automation zijn gelijke niet kent.Lire la suitePage
Adagio wordt Intracto
Een jaar na de overname van Adagio door Intracto nemen we afscheid van het merk Adagio. Op deze manier bevestigt Intracto zijn ambitie om zich te positioneren als een sterk merk in de markt, waar klanten kunnen vertrouwen op end-to-end oplossingen.Lire la suitePage
HubSpot: wat is het en hoe kan het jouw bedrijf helpen?
Als HubSpot Elite Partner kiezen we voor marketing automation vaak voor HubSpot, daarnaast werkt het perfect bij inbound marketing. Ontdek hier waarom.Lire la suitePage
Google Tag Manager: wat is het en wat kan het?
Wil je weten wat Google Tag Manager is en hoe deze tool juist werkt? Ontdek hier of dit iets is voor jouw bedrijf samen met de voor- en nadelen.Lire la suitePage
Google BERT en de toekomst van SEO
In mijn vorige blogpost over de geschiedenis van SEO gaf ik al aan dat Google regelmatig updates uitvoert. De laatste belangrijke was de update naar Google BERT. Maar in tegenstelling tot de vorige updates is Google BERT meer dan alleen een update aan de zoekmachine zelf. Binnen de wereld van Natural Language Processing vormt het BERT-model een mijlpaal.Lire la suitePage
Blijvende groei van Secret Santa Organizer
Ons uit de hand gelopen hobbyproject Secret Santa Organizer kreeg in 2020 meer dan 11 miljoen gebruikers uit de hele wereld over de vloer. Sinds de lancering in 2011 neemt het aantal gebruikers jaarlijks enorm toe, en dat zonder promotie.Lire la suitePage
Hype of trend? Een blik op 2020
Welke hypes en trends zitten eraan te komen in 2020? Waarop moet je als bedrijf inzitten en wat moet je vooral links laten liggen? Mathias legt het uit in zijn hype cycle.Lire la suitePage
Analytics gebruiken om de customer journey te monitoren
Wat zijn de pijn- en succespunten in jouw customer journey? Analyseer je touchpoints met Google Analytics & HubSpot en optimaliseer je customer experience!Lire la suitePage
Centralized Logging Using the ELK Stack
When your microservices's instance are volatile, centralized logging is a must!Lire la suitePage
Automating SVG Sprites with Gulp
How we used Gulp to automate SVG spritesLire la suitePage
Adagio continues under the name Intracto
Just over a year after Intracto's acquisition of Adagio, we say goodbye to the Adagio brand. This way, we confirm our ambition to be a strong brand in the market, where customers can be helped end-to-end and platform-independent to boot.Lire la suitePage
A JIT compiler for PHP
PHP code is not compiled directly into machine language, with a just-in-time (JIT) compiler you can overcome the inefficiency of interpreting opcodes.Lire la suitePage
Using Let's Encrypt certificates on AWS CloudFront
This is more or less a how-to on installing and renewing an SSL (or better, TLS) certificate, on Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudFront (Dutch blogpost about Amazon AWS services).Lire la suitePage
A Better Way of Zabbix Alerting Using Slack
Get only the alerts you need in Slack.Lire la suitePage
Building a Modular Monolith With Spring Boot and Across
Keep your architecture under control with a module based approach.Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Brands & society
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Dossier: SEO strategy
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Dossier: E-commerce
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Dossier: Challenger Stories
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Dossier: Infinite Opportunities
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Cookieless future
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Dossier: Video marketing
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Marketplaces
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: The Opportunity Report
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Dossier: Public Brands
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Dossier: B2B - Turning B2B challenges into solutions
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Dossier: Marketing automation
Lire la suiteWhite paper
How to build an effective content marketing strategy
Producing content is a tactic everyone seems to rely on these days. Many organisations are creating content today — they have blogs, are active on social media, and might even publish their own magazine. But the underlying, supporting strategy? Something you rarely come across.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Download the all-in-one social media checklist
For many organisations, social media is still a Pandora's box. Yes, they are useful online channels, and yes, we might need to have a presence there. But how exactly do you tackle that? What do you need to take into account? This helpful social media checklist will take you a long way.Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Successful marketing budgets and plans
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Successful digital transformation: 5 pitfalls you should avoid
Globally, only 30 percent of companies successfully implement digital transformation. This is because digital transformation touches every aspect of a business: from people and processes to infrastructure and customer relationships. The key to a successful transformation is to pay attention to all these aspects - but that doesn't always happen. In this white paper, we take you through five common pitfalls in digital transformation and give advice on how to avoid them.Lire la suiteVideo
AI - The future is not what it used to be
Do you remember when ... the invention of the computer caused a seismic shift in the job market? People unwilling to work with computers were quickly replaced by people who were; and today everyone carries a laptop. Today the same thing is happening with AI. In this webinar, Rodger Werkhoven will share his passion for Artificial Intelligence and introduce you to OpenAI as a love brand.Lire la suiteVideo
The Canon of Flanders: from Van Eyck’s brothers' Ghent Altarpiece to Rock Werchter.
From Van Eyck’s brothers' Ghent Altarpiece to Rock Werchter: the Canon of Flanders is finally here. The much-discussed list resulted in a bulky book of more than 300 pages and includes an overview of the Flemish language, culture, and history from the end of the last ice age to today. But there is also an online version: . iO developed this on behalf of the Commission Canon of Flanders, which received a mandate from the Flemish Government, Department of Education & Training.Lire la suiteVideo
Primagaz & iO: a shared journey of growth and success
Discover the fruitful collaboration between Primagaz and iO in this 'Walk and Talk' video. In this video, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at the collaborative dynamics between Primagaz and iO. We discuss how we dealt with challenges, how we exploited opportunities and what strategies we developed. We'll take you through our shared journey of growth and success, where trust and a commitment to excellence are central. This Walk and Talk is more than just a conversation - it is a celebration of a collaboration that has stood the test of time. It is a story of mutual growth, of learning and evolving, and of creating value for both organizations.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Score on socials with the Social Benchmark Report 2023
When setting goals for social content campaigns, it's crucial to ensure they are achievable and have a tangible foundation. The iO Social Benchmark Report provides you with valuable insights into the world of social content performance, so that you can make data-driven choices to optimise your social content strategy.Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Ready to pop on social media?
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Employer branding insights - How to recruit talent in 2024?
A tight job market and a short attention span from your target audience, who are also bombarded with content on a daily basis. Does recruiting new talent sometimes feel like a lost battle to you? We believe it doesn't have to be! Break through your target audience's content overload: invest in in-depth content to reach them and strengthen your employer brand. How can you successfully recruit and retain new talent for your brand? Discover it in "From Employer Branding to Recruitment - Insights 2024".Lire la suiteCase
Clear communication & vision for stakeholders
La communication, interne & externe, est importante pour Brussels Airport. Découvrez comment iO assiste l'aéroport pour cela.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How we put Brussels Airport on the map with influencer marketing
iO propulse Brussels Airport vers de nouveaux sommets grâce au marketing d'influence. Découvrez comment.Découvrez ce case en détailWhite paper
6 best practices for successful business innovation
How will your organisation challenge the status quo? What role do you hold in a market where the lines between different domains are becoming less distinct? How are you going to shape a future-proof business model that ensures that you are still relevant the day after tomorrow? The challenges of innovation aren't so much centered around refining your existing business model, but about responding smartly to a dynamic market where the rules are constantly changing. Therefore, innovation within your company remains essential: it enables you to tap into new markets, address new target groups and develop new propositions. Unfortunately, not every form of innovation actually leads to improvement. Our white paper shares 6 best practices for successful business innovation so that innovation does not remain a buzzword but delivers tangible results.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Whitepaper: Discover the power of branded podcasts
Branded podcasts offer organisations the opportunity to reach and stand out to their target audience in a unique way. Learn more about creating a successful branded podcast in this whitepaper, and discover inspiring examples from the market.Lire la suiteWhite paper
The key insights from Corporate Klooien – Back to Tomorrow
If you were to start all over again tomorrow, would you end up where you are today? In the 2023 edition of Corporate Klooien, we worked with professionals from influential organisations to explore their ideal future scenarios. We examined how they can deliver value and determine the right priorities in their specific situations. We did this using our own Corporate Alt Delete method.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Flawless content migrations
Do you want to rebrand your organisation? Is an acquisition or merger imminent? Or do you want to improve your customer experience, and does this require an organisational change? For these types of digital transformations, changing technology is often a challenging and crucial part for organisations of all sizes. Whether you need to upgrade the CMS system to a newer version, or you want to increase your innovation speed with a headless CMS, there is often one element that receives little attention: the content migration. Far too often, a content migration is nothing more than the last thing on the list, because it’s the technology that requires a lot of attention and budget, isn’t it? How complex can it be to lift and shift the content from the old system to the new?Lire la suitePresse
11.11.11 chooses iO as digital partner
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iO study: majority of retail chains missing out on local SEO benefits
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The power of branded podcasts recognised with four Lovie Awards for iO
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How to successfully develop a platform
Facebook is a media company that does not create content. Airbnb has turned the hotel industry upside down without owning any accommodation. Two well-known examples of fast-growing platforms that enable transactions and bring users and products together. The main factor for success in this is their appeal to the right users and adding value by solving problems, providing convenience or introducing new services. They do this using a very strong User Experience (UX) and Developer Experience (DX).Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Holiday marketing: how to score as a brand with Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas
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Dossier: Get a taste of AI – Discover the endless possibilities of AI
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iO and M Leuven bring Flemish Master to life with AI tool
Blended agency iO gives history an extra dimension for visitors to M Leuven thanks to AI-driven web app.Lire la suitePresse
iO focuses on talent: Wouter Dolle becomes HR Director in the Netherlands
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Comment donner vie à des années de savoureuse créativité ?
With creative always-on and ad hoc campaigns, our experts help Manna Sauzen grow into a leading Belgian brand.Découvrez ce case en détailWhite paper
Download: Corporate Alt Delete Scrapbook
Welkom bij de downloadpagina voor het Corporate Alt Delete Scrapbook, een onmisbare tool op je reis naar organisatorische innovatie. Het helpt je om de toekomst van jouw organisatie vorm te geven.Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Discover the power of branded podcasts
Lire la suiteCase
Comment rendre les emplois au port attractifs ?
Nous avons créé une toute nouvelle plateforme d'emploi pour le Port d'Anvers-Bruges avec une campagne créative et multimédia. Apprenez-en plus.Découvrez ce case en détailVideo
Video: Leaving no one behind digitally (David De Block)
In his talk at the 2023 BAM Marketing Congress, David De Block (Public Services Director at iO) talks about e-inclusion — or what it means to leave no one behind digitally.Lire la suiteCase
L'application de Cibor : pour un fonctionnement efficace de l'ensemble de l'organisation
Une app personnalisée axée sur le client qui planifie automatiquement la solution la plus efficace et permet d'établir des rapports rapides. En savoir plus.Découvrez ce case en détailDossier
24 insights for 2024
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Challenger Stories: Brandt & Levie turns the meat industry on its head
For Brandt & Levie, responsible production is not an afterthought, but the core business. The Amsterdam sausage maker produces animal-friendly meat according to its own recipe — exclusively from well-kept pigs. An impactful story about sustainability in an industry that sometimes struggles to find it.Lire la suiteVideo
Challenger Stories: Natuurhuisje protects local biodiversity
Natuurhuisje is not just a booking platform for holiday homes, it's a full-fledged climate company. Nature is at the heart of everything they do, and it's — in their own words — their responsibility to protect it. The booking platform is merely a means to that end. That's why Natuurhuisje donates part of its revenue back to local projects to improve biodiversity.Lire la suiteCase
How do you craft a captivating podcast journey for young train travelers?
Embark on a thrilling train adventure across the Netherlands with ‘Het Spoor Bijster’, a fuction podcast by the NS and iO.Découvrez ce case en détailPresse
iO appoints Marco Merola as Managing Director on Campus Herentals
Lire la suitePresse
iO launches magical end-of-year campaign for Brussels Airport
Lire la suiteWhite paper
Corporate Alt Delete – Rewrite your organisation’s founding story
Corporate Alt Delete is a book that bridges the gap between two worlds within an organisation: Team Horizon, thinking in opportunities, and Team Business, focused on current results and business value. This book invites you to breathe new life into the old founding story of the organisation, enriching it with today's market knowledge and business capabilities. Why read Corporate Alt Delete?Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: successful innovation
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4 out of 10 Belgians are digitally vulnerable
Lire la suiteCase
Comment nous avons créé et lancé une marque internationale
Lisez comment nous avons, avec le groupe Brunswick, créé une image de marque complète et une stratégie de mise sur le marché afin de lancer la nouvelle marque Navan.Découvrez ce case en détailPresse
Two top experts of iO win the exclusive Sitecore MVP Award of 2024
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Research by blended agency iO reveals opportunities for local growth
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iO helps KNMI keep the Netherlands safe in terms of weather and climate in 2024
Lire la suiteCase
Augmentation des taux de conversion et de la valeur des commandes grâce à un configurateur UX
iO a développé un site web et un configurateur orienté UX pour et avec Suzuki Belgique. Lisez tous les détails dans cet article.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How to future-proof and secure a European dealer intranet?
Discover how the JLR Gateway, built in Drupal, acts as a central hub for dealer communication, processes, and collaboration.Découvrez ce case en détailPresse
Manna boosts brand awareness with a wink
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iO welcomes Martine Lemans as Managing Director of Consultancy Division in the Netherlands
Lire la suiteCase
Comment inciter à s’engager dans la transition énergétique en tant que gestionnaire de réseau ?
Découvrez comment Enexis mène la transition énergétique avec iO, grâce à une campagne pluriannuelle intelligente. Apprenez comment la sensibilisation, le changement de comportement et la personnalisation hyperlocale conduisent à la rentabilité et la pertinence au bon moment.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Un multisite Drupal pour Facilicom
Comment faire passer en ligne une histoire claire qui génère du trafic vers votre site web quand vous représentez plusieurs entreprises ? Découvrez-le en lisant ce case.Découvrez ce case en détailPresse
Lidl Belux selects blended agency iO as digital partner
Lire la suiteCase
Freedom, self-reliance, and user-friendliness
Discover how the online presence of Firda was revamped with a new Drupal platform. With seamless integrations, simplified forms and an improved design.Découvrez ce case en détailDossier
Dossier: Maximize your marketing efforts with HubSpot
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Drupal. Why big brands rely on Drupal CMS.
Lire la suiteCase
Comment nous mixons technologie & marketing pour la pharmacie en ligne Farmaline
Comment iO maintient sa collaboration fructueuse avec Farmaline sur le long terme ? En associant un lien de confiance solide à une synergie efficace entre ses services technologie et marketing.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment un musée virtuel met le patrimoine flamand en valeur
Découvrez comment nous avons développé une plateforme d’expérience virtuelle qui fait passer l’expérience client au niveau supérieur.Découvrez ce case en détailWhite paper
Whitepaper: How to unburden your business with ‘first time right’ marketing execution
Ideally, as a (Digital) Marketing Manager, you focus on developing and executing your strategy to achieve your organisation's goals. But what if your strategic focus is constantly disrupted by operational issues?Lire la suiteCase
Comment faire en sorte que vos clients aient de nouveau l’eau à la bouche pour votre marque ?
Découvrez comment nous avons aidé la marque de fromage CAMBOZOLA à réactiver ses clients existants tout en attirant les jeunes générations. Lisez notre case.Découvrez ce case en détailPresse
iO helps companies tap into their innovation potential
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Comment une nouvelle image de marque a-t-elle contribué à renforcer la position de l'entreprise sur le marché ?
Pour Prowise, spécialiste des écrans interactifs et des logiciels éducatifs, iO a conçu un nouveau site web WordPress complété par une nouvelle voix de marque et un nouveau texte.Découvrez ce case en détailWhite paper
Whitepaper: Creating exceptional customer journeys with a Digital Experience Platform
In markets that are saturated with options and with customers that are overloaded with choices, it's an exceptional customer experience set will set you apart. A Digital Experience Platform can help you accomplish this - and we'll tell you how.Lire la suiteCase
Trouver le lieu idéal pour transformer un événement exceptionnel en un souvenir inoubliable
Découvrez comment iO a rendu les sites web et le portail de High Profile Locaties plus faciles à gérer, à trouver et plus évolutifs. Lisez ce case.Découvrez ce case en détailPresse
Amnesty International Vlaanderen and iO put a human face on hope with ‘the power of the people’
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7 strategic considerations for building powerful platforms
For many companies, digital platforms are the backbone of their operations and critical to exceptional customer experiences. This white paper offers strategic insights and practical solutions to address digital challenges such as agility, scalability and security. Download now to take your digital platform to the next level and seamlessly align with your business goals.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Rendez votre e-commerce plus personnel et plus tangible grâce aux configurateurs en ligne
Les consommateur·rice·s sont de plus en plus habitué·e·s à une communication adaptée à leurs besoins. Par exemple, le fait de recevoir une publicité avec une réduction de 30 % sur des croquettes pour chats après avoir effectué une recherche sur ce type de produit. Mais il en va de même pour le processus de commande de ces croquettes. Après tout, nous voulons aujourd'hui qu'un achat en ligne soit ressenti comme son équivalent physique. En ce sens, les configurateurs en ligne sont un excellent moyen de remplacer le vendeur enthousiaste.Lire la suitePresse
NMBS picks iO as innovation partner and service design expert
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Strategic boost for iO with two new senior hires
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iO and Worldline launch AI Smart Search for Developer Portal
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Nagelmackers strengthens long-term relationships with a brand-new platform
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How a content migration bringing over 200 custom websites together, delivers full control over the customer experience at a global scale
We migrated over 200 websites to a standardised setup for JDE Peet’s, relying on our expertise and AI. Learn more about this case here.Découvrez ce case en détailPresse
Plopsa and iO join forces to create magical digital experiences
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Brussels Airport Company and iO create the ultimate traveller experience
Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: Increase your online impact with strategic SEO
Is your website not being properly found by relevant visitors? Is your SEO traffic not generating enough conversions? But do you think you already have an SEO-friendly website? Then it's time to switch from tactical to strategic SEO. Find out how during our webinar on 23 August.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: discover how digitally mature your business really is (and what steps to take next)
As a CEO, managing director or marketing manager, you’re steering your ship towards the digital future. But here’s the challenge: how do you ensure you’re on the right course? Which aspects are thriving, and which ones need a boost? Register for our webinar and discover exactly how your company can move towards complete digital maturity.Lire la suiteWhite paper
5 insights from leaders in public communication
Effective communication between government and citizens is crucial in these rapidly-changing times. This whitepaper reveals five essential insights from some leading public communication professionals. Get inspired by these top leaders in the field and learn how to use branding techniques to powerfully communicate your story as a public organisation. After reading this whitepaper, you will knowLire la suiteCase
Repositioning a meat brand in full transition
Découvrez comment iO a aidé Imperial à se transformer en une marque alimentaire prête à relever les défis du futur.Découvrez ce case en détailWhite paper
The CTO guide to a composable architecture
Instead of depending on one big software suite, the ‘composable approach’ enables organisations to customise their IT infrastructure by selecting and integrating the most suitable components for their specific needs. However, composable is not a universal solution. In this whitepaper we break down the composable concept, explain the core principles and its potential impact on your organisation’s digital ecosystem. We help you determine a realistic timeframe for transitioning to a composable architecture and evaluate whether your business is ready to embrace composability. Finally, we explore diverse migration strategies for a smooth and seamless transition.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: How to easily gain complete control over the Woo publications of your organisation
With the introduction of the Open Government Act (Woo), the disclosure of information has become of greater importance. It’s wise to have a solid process and powerful digital tools in place to help your organisation comply to the Woo. But where to start? In the webinar ‘How to easily gain complete control over the Woo publications of your organisation’ we’ll show you how to set up this in a sufficient and user-friendly way.Lire la suitePresse
VRT joins forces with iO’s digital experts
Lire la suitePresse app 2.0 makes golf accessible to everyone
Lire la suiteDossier
L'approche composable : la clé d'une architecture d'entreprise flexible
Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: How to easily gain complete control over the Woo publications of your organisation
With the introduction of the Open Government Act (Woo), the disclosure of information has become of greater importance. It’s wise to have a solid process and powerful digital tools in place to help your organisation comply to the Woo. But where to start? In the webinar ‘How to easily gain complete control over the Woo publications of your organisation’ we’ll show you how to set up this in a sufficient and user-friendly way.Lire la suiteCase
How to deliver a consistent brand experience across 35 countries
Comment développer un concept retail digital international qui fasse passer l'expérience client à la vitesse supérieure ?Découvrez ce case en détailPresse
Amnesty International calls attention to human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Lire la suiteWebinar
How to become a Social Brand - Building your business with social media
Learn how to move from merely being present on social media to making an impact with an effective social strategy.Lire la suiteWebinar
Discover what's new in HubSpot: your quick guide to the INBOUND '24 updates
With over fifty new features every month, the HubSpot express train shows no signs of slowing down. Last month at the annual INBOUND event in Boston, you could explore all the latest updates and get an exclusive preview of the roadmap for the coming year. Couldn't make it? Sign up quickly for our free webinar to get a concise overview of all the highlights from INBOUND '24.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Every experience matters: Unravel customer experiences with the Experience Model
Your brand has to compete with an unprecedented number of messages and stimuli for attention. To stand head and shoulders above the rest, it is essential to offer distinctive customer experiences. And that starts with a deep understanding of customer experiences.Lire la suiteBlog
The energy transition is enormous, how do you make it personal?
How do you explain the energy transition? iO and Enexis developed a permanent campaign with smart tech and several storylines.Lire la suiteBlog
AI is changing how we search and it is time for brands to face this head-on
The impact of AI on search engine marketing and business models is huge. So start experimenting now, advises iO CEO Pieter Janssens.Lire la suiteWebinar
An ultimate customer experience with a composable architecture
Discover how a composable architecture provides the flexibility to quickly respond to market changes and deliver an exceptional customer experience.Lire la suiteBlog
How AI is enhancing creative processes
Is generative AI (GenAI) only useful for automating boring tasks or producing mediocre visuals and lacklustre, uninspired texts? Or can it add real value to the creative process? And if so, how do you use it to come up with new concepts and create unique stories? Gijs Besselink, Art Director and AI expert at iO, uses his experience to answer these questions and more.Lire la suiteCase
Comment inciter à s’engager dans la transition énergétique en tant que gestionnaire de réseau ?
Découvrez comment Enexis mène la transition énergétique avec iO, grâce à une campagne pluriannuelle intelligente. Apprenez comment la sensibilisation, le changement de comportement et la personnalisation hyperlocale conduisent à la rentabilité et la pertinence au bon moment.Découvrez ce case en détailBlog
AI & E-commerce: 8 tips for navigating the changing SEO landscape
There is unrest in the SEO landscape, and it's no surprise given the rapid changes taking place. With the advent of AI, the future of SEO suddenly seems uncertain. The number one search engine is vigorously testing AI applications, reducing the need to click through to websites. This has serious implications for everyone whose traffic is partially dependent on Google, including e-commerce.Lire la suiteWebinar
Inclusivity at the forefront: Embracing digital accessibility
Discover how prioritising accessibility can transform digital presence and drive business success.Lire la suiteBlog
Les 5 règles d’or d’une bonne microcopie
Le moindre mot s’affichant sur votre site web ou votre application a un impact important. Je l’ai déjà démontré dans le premier article de cette série consacrée à la microcopie. Dans cette deuxième partie, j’aimerais partager avec vous quelques bonnes pratiques pour créer une microcopie percutante. Car, aussi petits que soient ces fragments de texte, ils sont loin d’être faciles à écrire.Lire la suiteWhite paper
How content and creation delivers brand success
A brand's story is shaped by content. In the coming years it isn’t just about what content you create, but about how your brand retains authenticity and flexibility in an ever-growing digital landscape. Platforms are diverse, audiences are fragmented, and attention spans are shorter than ever. Today the central question is: "How can you be sure that your brand is communicating in an authentic and effective way?" It's about communication that doesn’t just connect with people, but actually touches them. After reading this Insights Paper, you will have an in-depth understanding of the complexity of target audiences, the dynamics of platforms, the impact of AI, evolving content formats, and the value of content to brands.Lire la suiteWhite paper
AI beyond technology, your AI guide to business value
AI is everywhere. The challenge is how to make it tangible. It is no longer just about the technology, but about the business value and integration into processes. In this white paper we take you through the developments that affect your business and revenue.Lire la suiteBlog
« Cliquez ici », ou ce qu’il ne faut pas mettre sur vos call-to-action
Un call-to-action est l’étape déterminante entre un·e visiteur·euse et une conversion. Pourtant, il est souvent utilisé de manière irréfléchie, et c’est bien dommage. En effet, un call-to-action avec une bonne microcopie permet d’augmenter votre chiffre d’affaires et de générer de nouveaux leads. Comment ? Je vous l’explique dans cet article.Lire la suiteBlog
Confirmshaming : le côté obscur du copywriting
Bien sûr que tout le monde veut que son site web ou son application génère des conversions. Mais jusqu’où faut-il aller pour inciter l’utilisateur·rice à effectuer une action ? Quelles sont les techniques de copywriting que vous pouvez utiliser, et celles que vous devriez éviter ? Dans cet article, nous évoquons l’un des dark patterns les plus populaires en matière de copywriting : le confirmshaming.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: the impact of AI on future customer experiences
As a digital marketing professional, you know customer experience is all about planning. But with the digital world getting more complex by the day, what should you focus on in 2025? Which processes will be most affected by artificial intelligence? Sign up for our webinar to learn how your organization can prepare for AI's impact on tomorrow’s customers' experiences.Lire la suiteBlog
The professional communication dilemma: To email or not during the festive season.
Email campaigns during December are always a challenge. The volume of email increases steadily every month of the year and reaches a peak during the festive season. For example, MailChimp, the leading email service (according to their 2023 annual report) sends no less than 21.3 billion emails in December. Do you want to know how to make sure your festive emails reach your target audiences?Lire la suiteBlog
6 conseils pour rester concentré·e dans un paysage MarTech fragmenté
Naviguer dans le paysage MarTech en pleine expansion peut se révéler déroutant, mais avec une stratégie claire et une approche ciblée, vous pouvez construire un stack MarTech efficace qui booste vos succès marketing.Lire la suiteBlog
From a brilliant seasonal whodunnit, to cringe-worthy singing oven mitts: here’s the very best (and worst...) Christmas commercials of 2024.
It's the most wonderful time of the year again! Christmas! Or no, better still: it’s time to feast our eyes on the spectacular (British) Christmas commercials. They’ve released a tidal wave of clichés (snow, turkey, tears, Santa Claus/women in all shapes and sizes and gifts, lots of gifts). What’s striking about this year: the brands you expect a lot from are disappointing (spoiler 1: Disney...) (spoiler 2: John Lewis...) and brands that you don't expect much from after years of misery and gloom, excel (spoiler 3: Etsy). Let’s get into the festive spirit with 2024’s Christmas offerings.Lire la suiteWhite paper
7 essential steps to build an effective MarTech stack
An overwhelming array of marketing technology choices often leads to a fragmented and inefficient MarTech stack. Discover how to optimise your stack, strengthen integrations, and build a future-proof MarTech strategy.Lire la suiteBlog
What makes a successful digital platform?
For many organisations, their digital platform is essential infrastructure: a versatile technology foundation on which they can build and run their digital operations. With a strong and flexible digital platform, you can stay ahead of your competitors by providing your customers with the best user experience that fits seamlessly with your business goals. But how do you ensure that your platform helps you to really make a difference?Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Self service portals
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: E-inclusion & accessibility
Lire la suiteCase
How do you offer students and staff the right information always and quickly?
Discover how iO improved the user experiences on the Maastricht University corporate website with the right information only a click away for both students and staff. Read the case.Découvrez ce case en détailWhite paper
10 ways to boost your customer’s experience
In 2025, the challenge for businesses is clear: deliver seamless, meaningful interactions throughout the entire customer journey. Every interaction, every touchpoint, and every moment matters. Discover in this paper how customer focus, digital excellence and business growth are key to delivering outstanding customer experiences. Get actionable advice and concrete next steps from a wide range of experts about content, AI, data, innovation, and more, to integrate in your strategy for 2025.Lire la suiteBlog
Dynamic Creative Optimisation: Maximise conversions with hyper-personalised advertising
Developing, rolling out and constantly adapting large advertising and banner campaigns in multiple languages and formats? This time-consuming, complex task can eat up a lot of your marketing budget. Dynamic Creative Optimisation (DCO) makes this process a lot more efficient. Find out how DCO can take your campaigns to the next level and save precious time.Lire la suiteBlog
Evelyne Berden and Jolien Struyf share insights on HubSpot INBOUND in Boston
This article was originally published on IO’s Evelyne Berden, Domain Lead Marketing Automation, and Jolien Struyf, Team Lead Marketing Automation travelled to Boston in the United States to attend the HubSpot INBOUND conference between 18 and 20 September. This conference focuses on the latest developments in marketing, sales, AI and customer experience. They spoke to Marketing Report about their experiences and everything they learned at INBOUND.Lire la suiteBlog
Votre marque ou organisation doit-elle adopter l’écriture inclusive ?
La langue joue un rôle important dans notre vie, c’est indéniable. Nous l’utilisons pour nous exprimer, pour communiquer avec les autres, pour penser et pour apprendre. Mais la langue est bien davantage qu’un simple outil. Car, souvent inconsciemment, elle contribue à façonner notre pensée et nos perceptions. C’est à partir de ce constat que le langage non genré, et notamment l’écriture inclusive, suscitent de plus en plus d’intérêt. Mais de quoi s’agit-il exactement ? Et pourquoi, en tant que marque ou organisation, devriez-vous envisager d’adopter une écriture non genrée ?Lire la suiteBlog
Ce n’est pas toi, c’est moi : comment l’usage de « je » ou « tu » peut faire la différence lors de la décision d’achat
Est-ce que ce sont « Mes favoris » ou « Vos favoris » ? Et vous voulez plutôt commencer « Votre période d’essai gratuite » ou « Ma période d’essai gratuite » ? Même si on ne les remarque pas toujours, les pronoms ont une fonction importante sur une plateforme. Après tout, ils déterminent ce que ressentent les utilisateur·rice·s lorsqu’ils ou elles lisent le texte sur votre site web ou votre application, et la façon dont sont perçus votre marque ou votre produit. Le choix entre « Je » ou « Vous » et entre « Votre » et « Mon/Ma » peut donc faire toute la différence lors de la décision d’achat. Mais alors, que choisir ?Lire la suiteWebinar
How conversational AI is transforming customer experiences
Do your customers know that they can find what they are looking for on your website easily? Conversational search, supported by an AI chatbot, makes it possible for your visitors to navigate your content seamlessly. The result? Better customer experiences. Introducing new technology such as conversational search can be challenging and is never without risk. In this webinar, we will take you through the ins and outs, to ensure that you and your organisation can get the best out of this innovation.Lire la suiteBlog
L’intérêt d’un·e traducteur·rice natif·ve dans un monde plein de Deepl et GPT
La Mazda LaPuta. Une petite voiture avec un nom tout mignon. Sauf si vous parlez espagnol bien sûr. L’équipe marketing du constructeur japonais aurait peut-être bien fait de vérifier… Bien sûr, les traductions rapides avec Deepl et autres outils d’IA permettent de gagner du temps. Mais y gagnez-vous aussi en termes de qualité ? Car l’utilisation d’outils de traductions à l’aveugle comporte des risques. Dans cet article, nous passons en revue 7 pièges à éviter. D’ailleurs, savez-vous quelle est la meilleure solution d’après nous ? Un·e copywriter ou traducteur·rice natif·ve qui traduit dans sa langue maternelle en utilisant les outils à sa disposition de manière intelligente.Lire la suiteBlog
How to stay relevant as a content specialist in the AI era
ChatGPT is writing texts at a rapid pace, images are generated in an instant by Midjourney or Dall-E, videos can be created via Runway and with Google's recent Notebook LM you can create a podcast at the touch of a button: AI is changing everything in the world of content. It also brings opportunities: about 60% of today's jobs did not exist 80 years ago, so luckily for us, historically technological developments have also created new jobs. If, as a content specialist, you devote a significant part of your work to an AI tool, what do you do with the time you’ve got left over to demonstrate your skills and relevance?Lire la suiteBlog
SEO professionals need to embrace AI to stay relevant
Pim Verras is an Online Marketer at iO, recently attended Brighton SEO, the search marketing conference that’s held annually in the United Kingdom. Let’s dive into his learnings and take aways.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Digital Revolution: learning to ride the waves of technological change
The digital revolution is gaining momentum, but it is nothing new. Over the last twenty years, technology has drastically changed our daily lives and business models. Today, the pressure to get started with technological transformation is greater than ever before. How do you tackle this? You will find the answer to this question and more in Digital Revolution: learning to surf the waves of technological change.Lire la suiteBlog
Netherlands’ 2024 Christmas Ad Campaigns: A Festive Review of Hits and Misses
Bye Saint Nicholas! See you next year, safe travels back to Spain! Welcome Mariah, come on in. At long last, Christmas commercials are finally 'allowed' again in the Netherlands (in England they have been loose for some time). To that end, here is my deep dive into the Dutch commercial harvest so far. Drum roll: check out the Dutch Christmas commercials of 2024.Lire la suiteBlog
Passez du chaos à la conversion : structurez vos données pour un marketing one-to-one réussi
Aujourd’hui, les consommateur·rices·s exigent que vous répondiez à leurs attentes en constante évolution. Ils veulent des réponses hyperpersonnelles et des solutions sur mesure. Vous devez donc connaître votre groupe cible sur le bout des doigts. Et, pour cela, vous avez besoin de données de qualité, bien structurées et centralisées. Vous n’avez pas encore organisé vos données ? Nous vous aidons volontiers à mettre de l’ordre dans le chaos. Un audit vous permettra d’identifier les points d’achoppement et d’élaborer une stratégie claire pour une structuration intégrée de vos données. D’infinies opportunités s’ouvriront alors à vous en matière de marketing one-to-one et de croissance stratégique.Lire la suiteCase
Hoe creëer je een betere online ervaring voor twee grote gemeenten
From 13,000 to 850 pages: discover how the Municipality of Amstelveen & Aalsmeer website simplification improved online services. Read the case.Découvrez ce case en détailBlog
Top content marketing trends for 2025
No, AI isn’t a trend anymore. But what is? Check out the most important content marketing trends for 2025.Lire la suiteBlog
Google Maps is one of the world’s most used apps, yet local SEO is seriously underutilised
Clarissa Filius is Team Lead SEO at iO. She gave a presentation on local SEO at the Benelux SEO Conference in Antwerp. Clarissa talked about her experiences with la suiteVideo
Aftermovie CX Event - What makes customers leave; and how to make them stay.
More than 200 marketing professionals and business leaders joined Steven Van Belleghem to talk about how to deliver consistently great customer experiences, every time. Check out the aftermovie to get an impression.Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Amsterdam
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Amsterdam-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Utrecht
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Utrecht-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Brussels
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Brussels-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Herentals
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Herentals-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Ghent
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Ghent-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Antwerp
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Antwerp-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Den Bosch
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Den Bosch-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Rotterdam
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Rotterdam-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Eindhoven
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Eindhoven-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Antwerp pt.2
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Antwerp-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Rotterdam pt.2
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Rotterdam-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Antwerp pt.3
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Antwerp-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Amsterdam pt.2
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Amsterdam-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Ghent Herentals
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Ghent Herentals-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Pitch Consultants
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Pitch Consultants-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Den Bosch pt.2
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Den Bosch-edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Club Edition
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Club Edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteVideo
Aftermovie: iO Table Talks Club Edition
iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and experts from all kinds of business and public sectors, to feel connected, and to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO Table Talks makes this knowledge sharing possible: to blend, to learn and to share insights. Check out the aftermovie from the Club Edition to get an impression:Lire la suiteBlog
AI Agents, Recipes, and Privacy by Default: How Drupal CMS 1.0 Makes a Difference
Drupal’s latest release couldn’t go unnoticed at iO. Our developers gathered for a dedicated launch party to explore how this update would better support them in delivering projects for our clients. Maarten Heip, Drupal Lead at iO, wrote this reflection following the release of Drupal CMS 1.0.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: Human writing in the age of AI
Writing copy that people understand, recognize, find helpful, and sometimes even move; it's an art. And now that we create content in an instant with AI, this skill and human touch have become even more important. That's why in this webinar, we'll show you how to put yourself in the reader's shoes and give practical tips for writing accessible, personal, and helpful copy. With and without AI.Lire la suiteWebinar
The ROI from a CDP: How to Build a Compelling Business Case
Do your colleagues know how to demonstrate the business value of a Customer Data Platform (CDP) convincingly? Building a strong business case is essential for justifying investment in a CDP. After all, a successful implementation leads to better customer insights, more personalised experiences, and increased revenues. But where do you start? In this webinar, we will take you through the process step by step, so that your team and your organisation can take full advantage of this technology.Lire la suiteCase
Relevant data and rock-solid privacy? Server-side tracking will do the trick.
Découvrez comment Kinepolis a utilisé une solution intelligente de tracking server-side pour obtenir des informations précieuses, garantir l'exactitude des données.Découvrez ce case en détailWhite paper
7 best practices to get the most out of your cloud environment
With a well-set-up cloud environment, your company can stay ahead and respond quickly to changes. Yet in practice, this often proves to be a challenge, given the technical complexity, cost considerations, required knowledge, and ever-changing security and regulatory requirements. How can you harness the full potential of cloud technology for your organisation? In this Insights Paper, we discuss 7 best practices for a strong and future-proof cloud infrastructure. Packed with insights from our cloud experts, practical tips and a handy checklist to determine your organisation's cloud maturity.Lire la suiteCase
How can you use technology to increase your customers self-confidence?
Lingerie brand Van de Velde believe in the power that lies in women, in self-confidence, and also in technology. Together with iO, they are connecting the three.Découvrez ce case en détailWebinar
Content Supply Chain : un impact maximal pour des campagnes et du contenu complexes
Les entreprises sont de plus en plus contraintes de fournir un contenu sur mesure et de haute qualité, et de mener des campagnes percutantes. Comment s'assurer que votre organisation fournit de manière efficace et cohérente des expériences de marque engageantes sans augmenter les coûts ?Lire la suiteWebinar
The Future of Tech & Communication in Customer Experience, including insights from CES Las Vegas 2025
What do your customers expect from you in 2025? How are emerging technologies like AI and major branding trends influencing their behaviour? Let us inspire you as we unpack the biggest insights from CES 2025 in Las Vegas, the world’s leading tech conference. This webinar will help you understand what’s driving customer behaviour and expectations in a rapidly evolving landscape – and how to adapt your strategy so you can meet these challenges.Lire la suiteBlog
Croissance digitale : comment faire prospérer votre entreprise à l'ère de la technologie ?
La pression en faveur de la numérisation est intense : même les petites et moyennes entreprises ne peuvent se permettre de rester à la traîne. Mais sans responsable IT et avec des budgets limités, la révolution digitale semble une perspective lointaine... Vraiment ? Dans ce blog et dans notre white paper, nous vous expliquons pourquoi cela n’est pas entièrement vrai.Lire la suiteBlog
Optimisez votre diffusion de contenu : exploitez le pouvoir de l’automatisation
Vous êtes chargé·e de fournir un contenu personnalisé sur plusieurs canaux ? Vous êtes constamment confronté·e à des délais non respectés ou à des messages incohérents ? Découvrez comment l’automatisation permet de relever ces défis et de transformer votre stratégie de contenu.Lire la suiteEvent
GOv FORWARD : innovation et design centré sur l’humain pour le secteur public
Pour avoir un véritable impact, les services publics doivent s’adresser aux citoyen·ne·s de manière plus personnelle et efficace. L’événement interactif GOv FORWARD offre une plateforme pour des réflexions menant à des expériences centrées sur les citoyen·ne·s. Des services publics aux expériences humaines, et de la politique à l’engagement concret : découvrez des idées pratiques pour créer, ensemble, des solutions ayant un impact réel sur les citoyen·ne·s.Lire la suite