From employer branding to employer marketing: how to convince and connect smart talent

Hubertien Huurman, Brand & Marketing communication Strategist - iO

Hubertien Huurman - iO
Room 1

For more than a decade, Hubertien has been creating direct impact as an advisor and strategist on the agency side. From devising strategies and concepts to developing campaigns and marketing plans. Today, she has a broad portfolio of (award-winning) employer branding work to her name, as well as several impressive recruitment marketing campaigns. Employer marketing is Hubertien's latest hobbyhorse, as a recipe for a rock-solid employer brand.

About the talk

Every strong brand also deserves a strong employer brand. That’s clear. How do you become a beloved employer? And how do you attract new talents? Enter employer marketing. With marketing techniques, we work from an integrated flow of employer branding to landing on the job portal. With employer marketing that promotes your organisation and creates a constant flow of new talent. It is difficult to predict what the Fluid Future has in store for your organisation, but a well-defined, powerful employer brand? That will put you in a strong position.

In our talk at the Opportunity Summit, we will teach you how to distinguish yourself as an organisation in a challenging employer market: with distinctive content, smart techniques and creativity. We will show you cases and results. Inspiration and, above all, concrete tips, that you can get started with right away.

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